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영어 원서 10 Secrets for success and Inner peace (Wayne Dyer)

달빛마리 2021. 2. 24. 14:47

작년 여름 지금과 똑같은 문제로 속이 시끄러웠을 땐 루이스 헤이의 책을 통해 많은 위로를 받았는데 요즘은 Wayne Dyer의 책으로 위안을 얻고 있다. 



10 Secrets for success and inner peace by Wayne Dyer


Wayne Dyer는 세계적인 베스트셀러 작가이면서 자기 계발 전문가로 평가받는 심리학자다. <행복한 이기주의자>와 <인생의 태도>를 읽고 그의 다른 책이 궁금해서 찾아 읽었다. 


그의 다른 저서와 내용이 조금씩 겹치기도 하지만 이 책은 종교적인 색채가 짙은 편이다. 종교적인 내용은 차치하고 개인적인 기준으로 요약을 해서 독서노트에 정리를 해보았다.

1. Have a mind  that is open to everything and attached to nothing. 

  • Resist being a pessimist : Resist with all your might because we hardly know anything at all in comparison with what there is to know.
  • Remember that progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have.
  • The ability to participte in miracles- true miracles in your life- happens when you open your mind to your limitless potential.


2. Don't die with your music still in you.

Kahlil Gibran said, " When you are born, your work is placed in your heart."

So, what is work? Your purpose? Are you living it out the way your heart urges you to?


  • Follow your right brain, listening to how you feel, and play your own unique brand of music. You won't have to fear anything or anyone, and you'll never experience that terror of lying on your deathbed someday, saying, " What if my whole life has been wrong?"


3. You can't give away what you don't have

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
- Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Your thoughts create your reality because your thoughts determine how you respond to situations in your daily life.
  • By changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy, you'll attract more of the same , and you'll have those higher energies to give away.
  • Loving and respecting yourself : Imagine an aspect of yourself that only supports and loves you.
  • If what you give is self-respect and self-love, the universe, via the attractor energy, will return the love and respect you've been radiating. It's really so simple. You can't give away what you don't have

4. Embrace silence

The famous scientist Blasie Pascal observed, " All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."
  • Meditation - becoming the observer to all of this inner chatter. Meditation not only affects you, it impacts everyone around you. The more peaceful you become, the easier you can deflect the negative energies of those you encounter.


5. Give up your personal history

Practice living in the moment, and refuse to allow any thoughts based on your past to define you.


6. You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it.

< A course in Miracles> : You don't have a problem ; you only think you do.


7. There are no justified resentments.

If you're going to pursue revenge, you'd better dig two graves. ( Chinese proverb)
  • What you think of me is none of my business.
  • I have control over how I'm going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going on.
  • Forgivenss - to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment

8. Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be.


I encourage you to begin acting as if what you would like to become is already your reality.


9. Treasure your divinity

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracel.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

- Albert Einstein

10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you.

2021/02/18 - [나를 이끄는 힘, 독서!] - 행복한 이기주의자 (Wayne W. Dyer/ 오현정 옮김)

행복한 이기주의자 (Wayne W. Dyer/ 오현정 옮김)

 서점에서 우연히 웨인 다이어의 <인생의 태도>를 발견하자마자 읽고싶은 책 목록에 저장해 두었다. 유시민 작가의 <어떻게 살 것인가>에 이어 삶 전체를 조망하는 관점의 책을 읽고 싶었기 때


