Habit 1- Be proactive
- We can choose our own response to any signals or information we receive.
- We have the ability to influence our own actions.
- Rational human beings have the freedom to choose a response. This is due to the presence of ; self-awarness, imagination, conscience, independent will.
- Each person has the abiliy to be either reactive or proactive in every situation that arises. This is the true meaning of responsibility- the ability to choose our own response. Proactive people are highly responsible.
- Proactivity means to subordinate impulses to values. Reactive people are swept away by the heat of the moment.
- What matters most in life is not what happens to us, but how we respond to whatever happens.
- It is in the ordinary events of every day that we develop our proactive skills. It is in the little things that we show our true character traits. Our response to the lttle irritations in life will also affect responses to disasters.
Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind
- To begin with the end in mind requires a clear vision of your destination, and where you now are. Then you can clarify what needs to yet be done to get where you'd like to end up. It's easy to get so caught up in climbing the ladder of success thats you fail to make sure the ladder is leaning afainst the right wall.
- A particluarly effective way to get into the habit of beginning with the end in mind is to write your own mission statement, philosophy or creed.
- Good affirmations are personal, positive, present tense, visual and emotional. Research has shown that almost all word-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see it, feel it and experience it in their mind before they actually do it. You can do the same in every area of your life by using affirmations based on a personal mission statement.
Habit 3- Put first things first

The goal is to maximize your time in quadrant 2 on important but non-urgent activities. This is the heart of effective personal management. By increasing the amount of tasks carried out in quadrant 2, the liklihood of tasks crpping up in quadreant 1 are minimized. Schedule time to achieve your priorities.
"Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker & Warren Bennis
Habit 4- Think win/win
The most effective way to work with other people is to structure a win/win relationship focused on results, not methods.
- Win/Win - A frame of mind and heart constantly seeking mutual benefit in business and personal transactions. All parties feel good about decisions and commit to the plan.
- It also requires maturity- the balance between courage and consideration.
Habit 5- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- If you really want to interact with another person, you need to take the time to listen to where they now are.
- Maturity is definded as the balance between courage and consideration.
Habit 6- Synergize
- Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, each of the parts combine to create new and exciting unexpected discoveries that were not possible before.
- Synergy is the true test and manifestaton of all the other habits combined.
- Synergy draws its energy and its effectiveness from the differences between people- mental, emotional and psychological differences all contribute.
- Synergy is the result of applying all the previous habits.
Habit 7- Sharpen the saw
Sharpening the saw involves four separate dimensions;
- Physical exercise - Spending a minimum of 30 minutes per day exercising will vastly improve the quality of the remaining hours every day. Exercise on a regular basis will preserve and enhance your capacity to work and adapt and enjoy.
- Spiritual- Renewing the spiritual dimension provides leadership to your life. Everyone has different needs, and draw upon different wells of spiritual strenghth. Immersion in great literature or music can provide spiritual renewal for some people.
- The mental dimension- Formal education teaches the processes of mental development, study discipline, explsoration of new subjects, analytical thought and expressive writing. Reading good books on a regular basis broadens your outlook on life. Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the mental saw. Writing also affects our ability to think clearly, to reason accurately and to be understood effectively. Organizing and planning are other habits which sharpen the mind.
- The social/emotional dimension- Success in this area is highly related to our sense of intrinsic security. Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and no other way except effective interdependent living.
Real change comes from the inside out.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easiler- not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased." - Emerson
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